Thursday, February 15, 2007

What the BLOG?

"A Day in the Life of Web 2.0"
Blogging seems like an excellent idea for teachers to keep in touch with their students...

The question becomes the time. When you first introduce the average teacher to the blogging world, confusion sets in. What is a blog? How does it work? Is there a thing called "blogspeak"? These are many of the questions that the beginner has. If you told the average teacher they would need to blog on their own time they would laugh and say, "what time"? The truth of the matter is this; blogging is the future (or at least will be for a few years until something else replaces it). Teachers need to set the tone and find out all of the great things that can be done with blogging. steal a quote from the tv show Lost, "the universe has a way of course correction". If you give up a little time here and there to learn how to blog, it will probably save you time in the future when blogging will be required. Do yourself a favor - learn how to do it now so you won't be more than a year behind your students.

How do you blog and what is it? I recommend checking out "A Day in the Life of Web 2.0" by David Warlick.

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