Tuesday, July 10, 2007

As our class comes to an end, we were asked if "there was anything that we didn't learn in class that we would have liked to?" It seems hard to imagine learning more than we did in the three short weeks that we had the class, however there was something that I have always wanted to learn about and never seemed to have the time to learn about it.
I have always been interested in web casting. The way that people seem to have their own web cast but not just one with a person standing in front of a camera mounted to the top of their computer but a web cast were actual cameras are involved and the parts are edited together, like a film or a sports event. It always seems intriguing when this is done.

Monday, July 9, 2007


Sunday, July 8, 2007

"Information, Instruction, and Learning"

As I read through Barbara Grabowski's paper, "Information, instruction, and learning: A hypermedia perspective" I realized the difficulty in taking the information (curriculum) that we as teachers need to cover, turning that into instruction, and finally having it come across in a way that a student will be able to successfully learn.
After several years of teaching, I know that this is a difficult task, what I did not realize was that it can be looked at and effectively implemented using a systems theory approach.
Grabowski speaks about how we need to sequence instructional objectives with the read/write web, which she calls "hypertext" or "hypermedia". She breaks down the three major issues with hypertext learning to "motivational, navigation, and cognitive"(Grabowski p162). It has been my experience that the hardest of the three to successfully manage is the motivation of the learners. Some students are not intrinsically motivated to do well in school and we, as teachers must find an external way to motivate them to succeed. The question that I starting tackling last year was, how do we motivate students who do not see the value in educational success?
First, as educators we must show them how they have already been successful to build them up so they will be ready for new challenges. Second, we must prepare them to succeed and fail in whatever they are undertaking. We can not have our students believe that everything should be easy. Finally we must apply these ideas to "hyper-media based information systems". We have to show students the value of these systems and work on their motivation that they will try and succeed and they may also try and fail, but with persistence and the expectation of a challenge they can be successful for life.

Response Blog #3

Podcast seem like they are an excellent tool to use in the classroom. I have never used one myself but I did observe an excellent teacher use one in his AP Biology class last year.
The teacher was able to take a podcast that he found on http://epnweb.org (which I thought was fantastic that Richardson mentioned this same address in his book)and use a podcast to spark a role playing debate about genetics and their place in our society.
I personally am still finding how to set my own up, but this year i do plan on using one from the aforementioned website. It is an excellent way to get your students to see how podcast can be used in the classroom and supplement your curriculum and bring some excitement to your students.
In Chapter 9 on Richardson's book, "Blogs, Wikis, Podcast, and other Powerful Web tools for the classroom", Richardson states "We are at the beginning of a radically different relationship with the Internet, one that has long standing implications for educators and students"(Richardson, p133). This statement stood out because I agree that we our at a very important time in relation to technology and public schools. Over the last few years I have only seen a handful of teachers use the read/write web effectively in their classroom. Most have said it hard to fit it into their busy schedule or their just unsure of the technology side. Those 5 teachers that I have seen effectively use the Internet seem to have saved themselves time in the long run as well as (and most importantly) enriched their students education.
Richardson speaks of "ten big shifts" in the transfer of education using the read/write web. The most important of which is "big shift #6: Readers are no longer just readers". Richardson states that "...now given the opportunity to converse and interact with the sources they find, readers must also be writers"(Richardson p130). A growing trend that I have seen in students over the last few years is their inability to successfully process what they have learned/read and then write about the material on an "acceptable level". Hopefully with more teachers implementing blogs, wikis, and podcast into their classrooms; our students will shift to become better writers.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Response Blog #2

After reading Richardson's book chapters 4-6 I was very excited to see read the chapter on "RSS: The New Killer App for Educators".
I found the syndication of the all of the material very useful. Having the ability to go to one place in order to check updates on all of the sites that you use to search for ideas, innovations, lesson ideas, etc is awesome.
It will certainly cut my time looking through the sites I use and make me more productive. I plan on setting one up very soon and seeing how help it can be. I am very interested to see if anyone has used this yet and if so how well did it work for you?

I believe that wikipedia has been the most important Internet site in the last 10 years. I frequently use it and always encouraged my students to do the same for one main reason; almost any idea/topic can be found on the site from the most obscure to the most well known. Like all Internet information you have to take it with a grain of salt because you have to check your sources and make sure that what you are reading is fact not opinion. If students use it correctly, they also learn how to check their sources and practice a form of good journalism. It is also almost a form of blogging since you can constantly edit and change things which make it interactive and very user-friendly which everyone loves. Here is a wikipedia site that used to explain to my students the benefits of using wikipedia:
