The process to begin Web 2.0 will begin with the Middle School. Our Middle School is already grouped by teams. These teams consist of all of the core subjects; for instance the yellow team has a math teacher, a science teacher, an English teacher, and a social studies teacher. They meet everyday to discuss what they are teaching and how the students are using the information.
They can implement web 2.0 by creating all of the necessary components as a team in the beginning of the school year during the in service days.
- They will create a social bookmark so when they begin projects they will have a running online list of their favorites that the teachers can share with each other and their students.
- Each teacher will record important lectures to post on their podcast. That way students can revisit the information and use it when they work on their projects. Parents will also be able to hear what their children are learning so that they can help them if needed.
- All assignments, important information, and projects will be posted to the team's website. Students, and parents will be able to access the website at all times so they can see what is due.
- The teachers can collaborate with one another to share ideas and work as a cohesive team. They can create cross-curricular activities so as students are learning they will say, "We are doing something similar to this in English"